Hot posts: 01/12 1:39 PM

class=”linktitle”>The Kos Kidz Go After Alito's Wife (7 links)
Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)
It can't be pleasant for any family member of a judge who sits through confirmation hearings. Just imagine being in…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 01/12 11:38 AM

class=”linktitle”>Max Blumenthal: Alito's Pro-Internm (8 links)
The Huffington Post
If there's another terror attack on American soil, you can forget about civil rights. That's according to Peter Kirsanow, who will testify to Samu

AMERICAblog just bought General Wesley Clark’s cell phone records for $89.95 (8 links)
AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth
UPDATE: We tried to get the cell phone records of other high-profile Washingtonians like ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, and the New York Time’s Adam Nagourney, but LocateCe

Hot posts: 01/12 10:40 AM

class=”linktitle”>Sparks Fly at Alito Hearing (7 links)
TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime
We were waiting for some fireworks at Judge Sam Alito’s confirmation hearing. Tuesday was definitely dullsville. We wanted sparks to fly. We wanted to hear
Bell’s goin

Hot posts: 01/11 6:41 PM

class=”linktitle”>VIDEO: CLASH OF THE WINDBAGS (7 links)
Michelle Malkin
To save you the trouble of sitting through the Democrats’ unrelenting condescension, arrogance, and Category 5 windbagginess, I bring you a video clip of today’s Alito confirmation hearings that epitomizes the Left’s desperation.
You’ve r
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: supreme court nominee samuel alito&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: hurricane katrina bloggers&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 01/11 5:42 PM

class=”linktitle”>Liberal Red Book leaked! (20 links)
Western Standard – Independent Voice of the New West.

Waiting for the Liberal Red Book? Wait no longer! Here's an, ahem, advance copy. Please credit the Western Standard and our blog, The Shotgun! LATE NIGHT READING UPDATE: Use the word search function to see what's important in the Red…

Michelle Malkin
Robert Bluey at Human Events Online has the results of
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: hurricane katrina bloggers&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

My very own Liberal campaign ads (9 links)
Stephen Harper has a dog. You know who else had a dog? Hitler. Adolf Hitler. That's who. Did Stephen Harper train his dog to attack racial minorities on command? We don't know. He's not saying. Choose Your Canada. * *…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: canadian blogs&nbsp&nbsp the blogging tories&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 01/10 3:42 PM

class=”linktitle”>top ten blogger lies (7 links)
1. I don't consider myself an A-Lister. No, but I turn up for speaking gigs at all the big conferences anyway. Uh-huh. 2. I don't care about traffic. Of course I don't. Even though I'm a freelance consultant, and…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: united kingdom bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 01/10 12:07 PM

class=”linktitle”>Send Me to Iraq (7 links)
Michael J. Totten
Its time for me to go to Iraq. I am not going to embed with the military. While it sounds exciting (as well as terrifying), Im only going to be there a few weeks. War correspondence isnt something a person…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 01/10 10:17 AM

class=”linktitle”>A Cotillion Salute to Amazing Grace (7 links)
Not very many women were getting degrees in mathematics in 1928. (Not many are doing so today.) Grace Hopper got her MA in 1930 and a PhD. in 1934. She joined the Naval Reserve in 1943. Rear Admiral Grace Murray…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the cotillion&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 01/09 12:42 PM

class=”linktitle”>ALL THINGS ALITO (7 links)
Michelle Malkin
***scroll for updates*** has an “Alito Central” clearinghouse with tons o’ links.
Stephen B
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: supreme court nominee samuel alito&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: hurricane katrina bloggers&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Another Scandal that Wasn’t (7 links)
The American Thinker
There is often much less than meets the eye in the news from our nation’s capital. Rarely, however, does anything as trivial as the NSA “domestic spying” story make the…]]>

Hot posts: 01/09 5:29 AM

class=”linktitle”>#111 Best of Me Symphony (7 links)
The Owner’s Manual
All over the world, parents rely on school systems to teach children history and its lessons. How well is it working? Shiloh Musings proposes Imprinting Memory. [After leading the crowd in a kazoo chorus of There's No Business Like…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 01/07 7:34 PM

class=”linktitle”>We love the troops; but it's a toug (7 links)
protein wisdom
From Jim Geraghty at TKS (via Allah):Reaction at the liberal blog, The Left Coaster, to the latest message from al-Qaedas number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri:
I have to admit it is fun to see Al Qaeda play Bush like a violin.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: humor & satire&nbsp&nbsp the academy&nbsp&nbsp 

Carnival of Cordite #42 (7 links)
Resistance is futile!
Welcome back and Happy New Year! We had a very eventful holiday, what with law school final exams, Christmas travel, and, oh yeah, GETTING MARRIED! I hope you all had as good a vacation as we had. Before we begin,…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp gunbloggers&nbsp&nbsp life, liberty, property&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 01/07 4:34 PM

class=”linktitle”>Anyone can buy a list of your incoming a (9 links)
AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth
And the best part? Congress and the Executive branch have known about this problem for half a year or more and no one did a damn thing to fix it.
In a nutshell, the Chicago Sun-Times ran a story two days

More Town Hall (7 links)
Mudville Gazette
Via Michelle Malkin, another revealing moment from the “Town Hall Meeting” featuring congressmen Moran and Murtha. Just before the end of the meeting, Vietnam veteran General Louis C. Wagner spoke on behalf of a friend who had been ignored
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: milblogs&nbsp&nbsp