Saw this and thought of you, Kate Arms. You’ve either seen it ages ago and its old hat, or you’ll likely spend hours staring at it…

Mark Fidelman on Twitter via

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Been a long time since I’ve done one of these, but I had a great podcast conversation with Matt Lewis and Kurt Schlichter yesterday. The topic: Should conservatives suck it up and back Donald Trump? One guess which side I represented. Thanks to Matt for inviting me & to Kurt for a great conversation!

Matt Lewis Show: The #NeverTrump Debate « Matt Lewis via

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A brief tweetstorm on this dark but expected period of the fight for the Republic[an Party].

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I’ve been slow to share these, but Dylan and Ryan have started honest-to-goodness “little league” baseball. And they’re kicking butt! Here’s a few samples of my little sluggers…


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So I’ve been quiet on FB lately, but thought I’d share a summary of my thoughts on the current GOP frontrunner…

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Veterans Day Links: Support Those Who Have Served

On this Veterans Day, take a few moments and give support to one of the many organizations that support our veterans, those serving, and their families. Listed below you’ll find many to choose from.

I have had the privilege of knowing and working with some of the fine men and women who have served in our military, and all the organizations I am highlighting came from their recommendations. Unfortunately, there are always some charities in any domain that exist more to serve themselves than to fulfill their stated mission, and veterans support is no different. So check any organization out before giving — but these come pre-approved by folks who know the good from the bad.


Fi Fund (@SemperFiFund)
“The Semper Fi Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and its program America’s Fund, are set up to provide immediate financial assistance and lifetime support for wounded, critically-ill and injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families. Since establishing the Semper Fi Fund in 2004, we’ve issued more than 71,500 grants, totaling close to $91 million in assistance to over 11,500 of our heroes and their families.”

Special Operations Warrior Foundation (@SOFWarriorFnd)
“The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is a top-rated nonprofit organization that supports the military’s special operations forces and their families through three programs:

  • College Scholarships for the surviving children of fallen Special Operations Forces
  • Family Services, including educational & family counseling and advocacy support
  • Wounded Special Operations Forces Support, including immediate financial stipends of $3,000″

Green Beret Foundation (@GreenBeretFound)
“The Green Beret Foundation provides unconventional resources to facilitate the special needs of our wounded, ill and injured and imparts unique support to the Special Forces community in order to strengthen readiness and uphold Green Beret traditions and values.”

Special Forces Scholarship Foundation
“The Special Forces Scholarship Fund (SFSF), is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. The purpose of SFSF is to award merit based post secondary educational scholarships to the Daughters and Sons of current and veteran Special Forces Soldiers.”

Fisher House (@FisherHouseFdtn)
“Fisher Houses provide military families housing close to a loved one during hospitalization for an illness, disease or injury.”

America’s Fund (@americasfund)
“America’s Fund is a program created to direct urgently needed resources and financial support to injured and critically ill members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.”

Soldiers’ Angels (@soldiersangels)
“Soldiers’ Angels provides aid and comfort to the men and women of the United States Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and their families and to improve the lives of a growing veteran population.”

Tunnel to Towers (@Tunnel2Towers)
“The mission of our Foundation is to honor the sacrifice of firefighter Stephen Siller who laid down his life to save others on September 11, 2001. We also honor our military and first responders who continue to make the supreme sacrifice of life and limb for our country.”

Hope for the Warriors (@Hope4Warriors)
“The mission of Hope for the Warriors is to enhance the quality of life for post-9/11 service members

, their families, and families of the fallen who have sustained physical and psychological wounds in the line of duty. Hope For The Warriors® is dedicated to restoring a sense of self, restoring the family unit, and restoring hope for our service members and our military families.”

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Folks: Some of you know that Hugh Hewitt , a syndicated radio host based here in California, is my friend, mentor, and (onetime) business partner. Tonight, Hugh will take the stage with Jake Tapper of CNN to moderate the second Republican debate. If you are truly interested and want to learn about the candidates, Hugh has interviewed *all* of them on his daily radio show — 40 interviews total! — and you can find links to the audio on his blog here: And I believe CNN will be streaming the debate tonight (“kids table” debate at 3pm PT, real debate at 5pm PT) here: Even if you have little interest in politics or prefer the Democrat side of things, I’d encourage you to tune in. Hugh is one of the best interviewers in radio today (he’s a former lawyer/prosecutor), and Jake Tapper is one of the best journalists covering politics we have. It should be epic…

Update: 40 GOP Candidate Interviews Since The First Debate: Audio and Transcripts « The Hugh… via

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It’s that date again. I’ll attempt to offer something that if you didn’t know, you should: the story of a man named Rick Rescorla. Rescorla was VP of security at Morgan Stanley’s office in the World Trade center. Even *before* the 1993 bombing, he was convinced the towers were a prime target for terrorism, and even went so far as to urge the company to relocate. Leadership refused. So he created a detailed evacuation plan for the company’s twenty-two floors of offices, and conducted repeated drills – making a royal pain in the ass of himself. After the first plane hit, he called his friend & security consultant Dan Hill: ————- Rescorla came back on the phone. “Pack a bag and get up here,” he said. “You can be my consultant again.” He added that the Port Authority was telling him not to evacuate and to order people to stay at their desks. “What’d you say?” Hill asked. “I said, ‘Piss off, you son of a bitch,’ ” Rescorla replied. “Everything above where that plane hit is going to collapse, and it’s going to take the whole building with it. I’m getting my people the fuck out of here.” Then he said, “I got to go. Get your shit in one basket and get ready to come up.” ————- Rescorla was last seen on the tenth floor of the south tower, heading upwards, searching for anyone still left behind. Including Rescorla, thirteen Morgan Stanley employees were killed that day. Because of Rescorla, two thousand six hundred and eighty-seven Morgan Stanley employees (2,687) made it out safely.

The Real Heroes Are Dead – The New Yorker via