[Map has been relocated to the top-left of the page]
1) This is not an offical fire map, but rather is my own personal attempt to combine information I’ve found on the official fire sites and other media outlets into a single, readable map. If you believe you may be in danger, consult your local authorities (see below for phone #s).
2) The data I’ve based the map on is virtualy guaranteed to be many hours behind the actual fire. The fire services are not able to keep their data updated so quickly, so the “current” data is always stale. The map that was just posted to the web is most likely based on a survey of the fire that took place three, six, or even twelve hours before.
The fire continues to grow, obviously. The Colorado media are all over the story, and in particular seems to be staying on top of things (I got the evacuation data for my map from one on their page).
KUSA is now reporting the fire as the largest in Colorado history. Some additional updated stats:
Size: 77,000 acres (I would bet it is most likely 90,000 – 100,000 by now)
Personnel Assigned: 400 firefighters on scene, 2 Type 1 crews, 8 Type 2 crews (see my earlier posts for descriptions of Type 1 vs. Type 2 crews)
Equipment Assigned: Type 1 Helicopters, Type 3 Helicopters, Type 1 Air Attack, Type 1 Air Tankers, Lead Planes, 11 engines, water tenders and dozers
Structures Lost: (This is directly from the fire services:) “Several with potential for many more”
Evacuation Information:
Park County Sheriff 719-836-2494
Douglas County Sheriff at 303-660-7500.
The American Red Cross is assisting and may be reached at (719) 748-3911 or 748-8215.
Jefferson County – Elk Creek Elementary is now changed to Chatfield High School 7227 S. Simms cross Freemont, Littleton 303-982-3670
Teller County – Woodland Park High School, 151 N. Baldwin 719-331-3645
Douglas County – Sedalia Elementary School, 5449 Huxtable St. 303-814-4735
Park County – Lake George Elementary, Hwy 24 in Lake George 719-748-3911
Continued good luck to all, and stay safe…