Not in Their Name – But in Ours

Jonah over at Corner drew my attention to , which is exactly what it sounds like.
I share his general reaction (“I feel the need to smash their guitar against the wall of the Delta House.”) But I wonder if there isn’t more that could be done to counteract the drivel of half-witted slogans and rhymes that ooze out of the allegedly anti-war movement these days.
Any community of like-minded folks can become an echo-chamber, and that’s a danger which our part of the weblog world (call it the “anti-idiotarian side”; the “warbloggers”, whatever) certainly faces. One risk of this trap is that we fail to listen to arguments from outside the tribe that disagree with our generally held views. But another danger is that we fail to reach out beyond our traditional borders to audiences that don’t already agree with us.
I suppose what I’m saying is, perhaps we need a little less preaching to the choir, and a little more evangelizing.
So what can we do to better spread our gospel ?
First, didn’t somebody in the Blogosphere call for a “In Our Name” campaign a ways back to counteract the “Not in Our Name” crowd? It might be time to revive that idea. (And if anyone remembers who did it, please, speak up: I’d like to give credit where credit is due here). Personally, I’d like to see a nice web-button that could be placed on a weblog or other web page to show support for the war to liberate Iraq. (I generally have a rule on TTLB: no buttons. But I’d make an exception in this case).
Second, why not confront these folks head on? Challenge them to an online debate — they pick a few of their best essayists, we pick a few of ours. Figure out an appropriate format, and have at you! And of course, make sure that the results get prominent play across the Blogosphere and real media — and we know enough to know which folks in Big Media would listen without slanting the coverage.
Third, who is covering the rally in D.C. this weekend? I know what the the Stand Down contingent of the Blogosphere is up to. But what about coverage of the demonstrations from the more, shall we say, skeptical side? Volunteers? (I’m in California; don’t look at me.)
Other ideas for ways to reach out beyond our traditional audiences are welcome. You know where the comment button is…