This morning’s required blog-radio listening:
at INDC reports that Dean Esmay will be on Pundit Review Radio.
The Northern Alliance has Saint Paul Mayor Randy Kelly (“the first major Democratic politician to break ranks and endorse George W. Bush for President.”), and representatives from Protest Warrior.
The Northern Alliance show runs from noon to 3pm Central time, and I’ll most likely be listening in on their web stream. Might even call in again, if the urge strikes me; was fun chatting with the gang the last time.
I generally catch Pundit Review the week after via their audio archives (as they don’t have a live web stream), so I’ll be a bit behind the curve on them.
And yes, for the record, my fond wish is that NARN and Pundit Review Radio would swap technologies, so they both could have a live web stream, and both could have online archives… but then, I’m demanding, ask anybody…
Update: I stand corrected! Kevin at PunditReview writes to point out that they are streamed live every Saturday from noon to 1pm EST on