Hot posts: 11/16 1:29 PM

class=”linktitle”>Unreal TV (11 links)
Don Surber
Brent Baker at News Busters takes great offense at the plot of the fictional “Commander in Chief” TV show. It seems the Republican House speaker is an old-time segregationist. That does seem to run coun

Open Source Media: Start Spreading the News (8 links)
La Shawn Barber’s Corner
Ill update this post with news and views (and photos) on Open Source Media later today. In the meantime, check out funnyman Scrappleface (blogging on WordPress now).
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Taking the pajamas off (8 links)
Now Im even more confused about Pajamas Open Source Media. I just tuned in from Munich to their Rockefeller Center event and theyre into a panel about fashion. The first person says she doesnt blog and thinks blogging is absurd
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