Link Sluts

Since I’m already folks, I might as well keep up the trend.
My approach to filter out inline trackbacks is useful and appropriate, in my view, but it actually doesn’t fully address an underlying issue. Here’s the question: should a link from a blogger who has hundreds or even thousands of links to anyone and everyone on their page be worth exactly the same as a link from a more reserved blogger who only has a small number of outbound links?
In the Ecosystem right now, all links are equal. But I’m considering changing that. It doesn’t seem right to me that if Blogger A links to 3,000 other blogs, and Blogger B only links to 300, that those blogs receiving the links from B get exactly the same “credit” as those receiving one of A’s few thousand links.
A link is a recommendation; it says, “Go look over here, and you’ll find something interesting.” So should a recommendation from someone who says everything is interesting be considered as valuable as one from someone who seems to choose their recommendations with more care?
(As a historical footnote, way back in 2003 an early version of the Ecosystem actually had a separate ranking based on the # of outbound links a blog had. I called it the Hall of Link Sluttage).
Without getting into implementation details or an exact algorithm, suffice it to say that it would be simple enough for me to refine the Ecosystem’s rules so that truly profligate linkers’ links did not count for as much as more normal blogger’s links. But would that be a good and useful thing?
I’m debating; now you get to as well. Let me know what you think…

Open Posts & Inline Trackbacks

Ok folks, time for some serious “inside-baseball” of the blog variety. If you’ve never heard of an “open trackback” or “link party”, you should probably just skip right on by this post.
Recently, I’ve been noticing that the phenomenon of “open trackback” posts has been becoming more and more widespread across the blogosphere. Here’s a few examples of trackback posts.
It seems to me that the main motivation of such posts is simply to provide a quick and easy way for bloggers to generate links to each other, without any real regard for the substance of each other’s posts. The links, rather than symbolizing and codifying the relationship between two posts, or two blogs, have become an end in themselves.
I believe the Ecosystem has created at least part of the motivation to do open trackbacks, and this troubles me. My goal has always been to reflect, as accurately as possible, what is truly popular and interesting in the ‘sphere — not distort it by creating bogus incentives for blogs to create automatic links to each other with no real meaning. If you don’t believe me about creating the incentive, check out the Open Trackback Alliance:

1) What is the Open Trackback Alliance?
Are you tired of seeing?
I’m an
Insignificant Pond Scum Spore
in the
TTLB Ecosystem
The Open Trackback Alliance helps your blog ranking grow by increasing the links between each other’s blogs and showcasing articles on one another’s sites…

And guess what: it works. Over time, I’ve noticed that some bloggers are using Open Trackbacks to systematically work their way up in the Ecosystem rankings, and more recently, to ensure that their posts are flagged on my Top Posts pages.
So this weekend, I decided to do something about it. I implemented a simple solution: when the Ecosystem scans a blog’s front page for links, it now simply ignores any inline trackback sections that are found, while still counting the links within posts or on a blog’s blogroll.
I haven’t announced the change because a) I was still debugging it and b) I didn’t really think anybody would notice so quickly. But it turns out, Don Surber and some others are apparently watching my stuff so closely that they figured out what I was doing almost immediately (which, I think, says something in itself).
Don emailed me asking if it was true that I was filtering open trackbacks, and I responded that I was, but that I hadn’t yet announced anything as I was still working on the system. A few minutes later, Don posted my email on his blog (without asking my consent, although I would have granted it). I’m also told that certain other bloggers (not Don) are emailing around trying to fire folks up about the grand injustice of it all. (There’s even a petition).
Now let’s be clear. If bloggers find value in Open Trackback posts, they should by all means continue to do them. But at the moment, I think the best decision for TTLB, and for the blogosphere, is to not count them in my system, and thereby remove the incentive to create trackbacks for their own sake.
But I’m always open to feedback, and would appreciate further comments and debate. So please, weigh in, even if it’s just with a simple “You’re making a mistake” or “I think you’re right”. I’m listening…
Update: See also, Link Sluts

The Murtha Myth

The dust continues to settle on last weeks kerfuffle over Representative Murtha’s demand for an immmediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. But one of the most peculiar aspects is that many commentators on the anti-war side of the fence seem to be convinced that Murtha didn’t actually call for an immediate redeployment, and that any statement to that effect is simply a Republican smear tactic.
For example, here’s at TPMCafe:
Representative John Murtha, a decorated veteran of two wars and a very reasoned voice on foreign policy, had questioned the president’s wisdom in our Iraq policy. What happened next is shameful. The republicans introduced a bill by Duncan Hunter that cynically called for just an immediate withdrawl without discussing the what our exit strategy should entail. They tried to misrepresent what Murtha was requesting we do, which is to have serious bi-partisan debate of our Iraq policy.
And the Seattle P-I’s editorial board:
…more cynical was Republican Speaker Dennis Hastert’s maneuver to ram a bill to the floor calling for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops — not what Murtha had proposed at all.
Let Representative Murtha speak for himself. From the text of his speech on his web site:
I believe before the Iraqi elections, scheduled for mid December, the Iraqi people and the emerging government must be put on notice that the United States will immediately redeploy. All of Iraq must know that Iraq is free. Free from United States occupation. I believe this will send a signal to the Sunnis to join the political process for the good of a “free” Iraq.
My plan calls:
To immediately redeploy U.S. troops consistent with the safety of U.S. forces.
To create a quick reaction force in the region.
To create an over- the- horizon presence of Marines.
To diplomatically pursue security and stability in Iraq
This war needs to be personalized. As I said before I have visited with the severely wounded of this war. They are suffering.
Because we in Congress are charged with sending our sons and daughters into battle, it is our responsibility, our OBLIGATION to speak out for them. That’s why I am speaking out.
Our military has done everything that has been asked of them, the U.S. can not accomplish anything further in Iraq militarily. IT IS TIME TO BRING THEM HOME.

Emphasis mine — except the last phrase in all caps, which is as you see it on Murtha’s web site
Which part of “immediately redeploy” are we misunderstanding? And to Libertine: it’s nice that you think that Murtha’s goal was to have a “serious bi-partisan debate of our Iraq policy.” But if that was the case, why didn’t he, er, say that?
He seems pretty darned clear on the whole “immediately” and “bring them home” part — you will note his closing line does not read “IT IS TIME TO HAVE A SERIOUS BI-PARTISAN DEBATE ON BRINGING THEM HOME.”
Revisionism, indeed….
PS: Yes, I’ve seen the text of Murtha’s actual resolution. It doesn’t say anything about a debate either.
More at RedState

Hot posts: 11/19 3:48 PM

class=”linktitle”>WP Woodwardgate editorial spams red herr (14 links)
The Tar Pit
With sharks circling around embattled Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, the Post editorial board tried to distract
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: bob woodward & plamegate&nbsp&nbsp 

Saturday Specials (8 links)
Jo’s Cafe
1. Nosy sons save mother via webcam
2. Heidi is on the move to a farm.
3. Square-Inch Plot of Land for Sale on eBay
Add your specials by linking to this post somewhere in your post and trackback. They will show up here and let others
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

Sweetness and Light (8 links)
Making Light
Sons Save Mom Overseas with Webcam says the headline. OSLO, Norway (AP) — A Web camera in a Norwegian artist's…

Hot posts: 11/19 12:20 PM

class=”linktitle”>God Bless You, Mr. Bin Laden (12 links)
Don Surber
An Australian newspaper published an interview with Kurt Vonnegut in which he praised suicide bombers: “They are dying for their own self-respect. It’s a terrible thing to deprive someone of their self-resp
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

The Expert On Inconsequential (11 links)
Don Surber
Bill Clinton — President of the World according to Esquire magazine — has pronounced the war on terrorism as “inconsequential.” “We have become arrogant in the present. All of us. Osama bin Laden’s arroga
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/19 11:20 AM

class=”linktitle”>Yes, Democrats Are Patriotic (15 links)
Conservative Cat
Yesterday, Don Surber posted an article about the patriotism issue. When the President called war critics “irresponsible”, he was immediately accused of challenging the critics' patriotism. Don points out that the word “unpatriot
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: blogdom of god&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp humor & satire&nbsp&nbsp 

“The Morning After” Open Trackbacks (7 links)
I dont know about yall, but Im feeling a little hung over after yesterdays 6 hour Live Blogging the House orgy. My 6 typing fingers are palsied (but damn if I dont type as fast with 6 as most people
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: milblogs&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp the wide awakes&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/19 10:21 AM

class=”linktitle”>God Bless You, Mr. Bin Laden (10 links)
Don Surber
An Australian newspaper published an interview with Kurt Vonnegut in which he praised suicide bombers: “They are dying f
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

With All Due Respect… (7 links)
Democrats – Sen. Harry Reid in particular – got a dose of their own medicine today. Perhaps they'll remember the foul taste for the next time they want to stage a Hill photo op by invoking some long forgotten Senate…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the axis of naughty&nbsp&nbsp 

OTA Weekend (7 links)
The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns
Consider this an open trackback post and open comments.

Treason Is When You Want The Other Side To Win (7 links)
PC Free Zone
“Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.”
President Abraham Lincoln
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/19 9:20 AM

class=”linktitle”>Prince Charles- The Master of the Obviou (7 links)
-Peakah’s Provocations-
In true ‘Master of the Obvious’ style, Prince Charles who so bravely stood up for London during the subway bombing attacks
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

Where Is The Outrage Over Harold Ford? (7 links)
Rhymes With Right
Since the Left seems so upset about Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) daring to quote a serving member of the US military's reaction to Rep. John Murtha's(D-PA) “Surrender Now” approach to Iraq, why is there not at least equivalent outrag
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&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: education blogs&nbsp&nbsp life, liberty, property&nbsp&nbsp munuvians&nbsp&nbsp 

Open Posts: 11-19-2005 (7 links)
Don Surber
Welsome to today’s open posts. Copy this URL and link it to your post. Use this trackback. I shall link later. You can even mention Bob Woodward Plamegate.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: bob woodward & plamegate&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

So Much For Evil Oil Companies (7 links)
Below The Beltway
You wouldn’t know it by watching the Mainstream Media, but gas prices have b
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp life, liberty, property&nbsp&nbsp 

Brunch: 11/19/2005 (7 links)
basil’s blog
Try one of these specials with your weekend brunch:
Beth is queen
Baldilocks (Two of Clubs) looks at an NAACP leader converting to the Dark Side
Amy (Diabetes Mine) has a story [via Jos Cafe]
Wizbang has a history lesson
Public Eye co
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: blogdom of god&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp humor & satire&nbsp&nbsp 

Saturday Mishmash #x—around and about (7 links)
third world county
(yeh, I’m too lazy to check my archives and see how many of these I’ve done or on what days. So sue me.)Saturday was originally a day “someone” (not you, Mr. Big–you’re cool, dude. đŸ™‚ had me listed for an

Hot posts: 11/19 6:27 AM

class=”linktitle”>Libs: Praise The Vets Next Year (9 links)
Don Surber
Was I alone in noticing the political divide over Veterans Day in the blogosphere? Dozens of tributes to veterans were on the right side. I had 46 links. On the left? A few people bitching about Bush’s Vete
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: veteran’s day&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/19 5:33 AM

class=”linktitle”>Purple Haze (10 links)
Don Surber
And now for something completely different: The BBC reports on the democratization of the Middle East, ranking 20 countries.
No. 1 is 57-year-old Israel for the 57th consecutive year. It is followed by Leba

The 'Cut and Run' Prescription for Iraq (9 links)
All Things Beautiful
This vote was being billed as a major showdown on the War on Terror in Iraq. The suggested Democratic prescription was 'Cut and Run', that turned out to be a 'Vote and Run'. The vote landed at 403 to 3 against.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 

The 'Cut and Run' Prescription for Iraq (9 links)
All Things Beautiful
This vote was being billed as a major showdown on the War on Terror in Iraq. The suggested Democratic prescription was 'Cut and Run', that turned out to be a 'Vote and Run'. The vote landed at 403 to 3 against.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/18 7:19 PM

class=”linktitle”>Picnic Lunch: 11/18/2005 (7 links)
basil’s blog
If you have an interesting post that youd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun. If you need help with TrackBacks, Harvey of Bad Example has an excellent primer he
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: blogdom of god&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp humor & satire&nbsp&nbsp 

No One Questions The Patriotism Of A Scoundrel (7 links)
Don Surber
One of the odder aspects of the war on terrorism is the appeasers continually accuse anyone who dares to disagree of “questioning my patriotism.” Every Democrat speaking in tonight’s debate on surrendering

Hot posts: 11/18 6:20 PM

class=”linktitle”>Dems Retreat From Call For Retreat (10 links)
Don Surber
“Our military has done everything that’s been asked of them. It is time to bring them home,” Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., Nov. 17, 2005.
Republicans offer a vote on a resolution calling for the immediate with

VIDEO: Schmidt’s Shame (8 links)
Think Progress
Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) today on the House floor:
Yesterday I stood at Arlington National Cemetery attending the funeral of a young marine in my district. He believed in what we were doing is the right thing and had the courage to lay his life on

The Revolution will be blogged, 5 (7 links)
protein wisdom
Mild-mannered White House Press Secretary and Helen Thomas punching bag Scott McClellan released a short statement in response to a rambling, emotionally-charged speech given by Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) yesterday that called for an immediate w
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: humor & satire&nbsp&nbsp the academy&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/18 5:20 PM

class=”linktitle”>LIVEBLOGGING THE IRAQ SHOWDOWN (7 links)
Michelle Malkin
Josh Trevino is liveblogging the Iraq withdrawal vote here. Keep checking back. As of 5:49pm EST:
5:49 PM Eastern: Vote Update: 65 For, 102 Against
GOP: 65 For, 5 Against
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community:

Hot posts: 11/18 4:20 PM

class=”linktitle”>GOP to Wobbly Dems: Bring it on! (8 links)
The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on surrender-monkey Rep. John Murtha (D-France) call for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Way to grow a set of cajones, House Republicans! Of course, we wouldn't want to…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: united kingdom bloggers&nbsp&nbsp raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp munuvians&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/18 3:20 PM

class=”linktitle”>GOP FORCES VOTE ON IRAQ WAR!!! (14 links)
Stop The ACLU
Via Drudge and My Way News.
The Dems, railing constantly about the War in Iraq, ahev found themselves backed into a corner by the House Republicans, who finally tired of all the lies and rhetoric and have decided to vote regarding whether we shoul
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: milblogs&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

Senior French Aide To Annan Confesses Saddam Bribery (8 links)
Captain’s Quarters
The London Telegraph reports this morning that a senior French diplomat has confessed to accepting money from Saddam Hussein in exchange for his access to and influence with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The former UN ambassador for France claims
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the blogging tories&nbsp&nbsp 

House Repubs Force Vote on Iraq War (8 links)
This just in from Sean Hannitys radio show:
Rep. J. D. Hayworth has called for a vote on the House floor tonight by 1900 on the U.S. Congress position on the war in Iraq. This would force Democrats to go on
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: milblogs&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp the wide awakes&nbsp&nbsp 

The Murtha Plan For Iraq (7 links)
Much has been written about the comments of Rep. John Murtha (D – PA), Ranking Member on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, and a decorated military veteran, at a Capitol Hill press conference today (transcript). Suffice it to say that I,…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the axis of naughty&nbsp&nbsp 

TGIF Specials (7 links)
Jo’s Cafe
1. The Grey Tie is getting paid.
2. Oh … hubby’s Christmas present!
3. Oops!
Add your specials by linking to this post somewhere in your post and trackback. They will show up here and let others get a chance to read them. Or – if y
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

SHOWDOWN (7 links)
Michelle Malkin
Drudge in red alert mode:
Seems like a smart, if risky GOP move. Nice way to force Dems t
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community:

Hot posts: 11/18 1:24 PM

class=”linktitle”>Demon Dolls (7 links)
Don Surber
The toy nannies are Ba-aa-ack! Some group named WATCH (Weirdoes Against Toys, Christmas and Holidays) has released its list of Ten Toys That Will Kill Your Children. I am not making this up. The dangerous t

Hot posts: 11/18 9:29 AM

class=”linktitle”>Sentences You Won't See Very Often (9 links)
Making Light
Charles Krauthammer rocks the house….

Breakfast: 11/18/2005 (8 links)
basil’s blog
Try one of these specials with your breakfast:
Bird Flu Update finds Bird Flu humor
Business Blog Consulting says TypePad is having issues & including denial [via Fistful of Fortnights]
The Astute Blogger lists lies from the left
Real T
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: blogdom of god&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp humor & satire&nbsp&nbsp 

When is a lie, a lie? (7 links)
Two Babes and a Brain
Dick Cheney and President Bush are out there swinging–saying to question the intelligence that led us into the War in Iraq is irresponsible. Is it sticking? I don't know. That is a topic for another day. Today, we delve into the philosophical.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/18 5:01 AM

class=”linktitle”>Woodward and source: chum for the sharks (14 links)
The Tar Pit
In defense of of the First Amendment some reporters have been willing to risk jail time to protect their sources; Bob Woodward is willing to let other people go to prison to protect his sources.
Doesn’t hav
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: bob woodward & plamegate&nbsp&nbsp 

Friday Open Tar Pit #4 (13 links)
The Tar Pit
A round up of some current Open TrackBack posts today:
Cao’s BlogEuphoric RealityPoint FiveThe Political TeenBasil’s BlogJo’s CafebRight & EarlyBIG DOG’s WEBLOGChoose LifeStop the ACLUTMH’s Bacon BitsCalifornia ConservativeStuck on StupidAdam’s