Hot posts: 11/17 6:20 PM

class=”linktitle”>Abraham Lincoln Bush (12 links)
Don Surber
The Democratic Party crossed a line today for which there is no turning back. They have gone from being the Loyal Opposition to the Party of Appeasement. The Surrender Iraq movement propped up the alleged h
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/17 2:28 PM

class=”linktitle”>Keep The Promise (9 links)
Don Surber
My column today: THE Promise scholarship program is the redheaded stepchild of state government. What was lauded last year as a breakthrough for the state now may be ruined in the name of cost containment.

Hot posts: 11/17 11:23 AM

class=”linktitle”>Howie Kurtz pimps lefty bloggers’ “passi (9 links)
The Tar Pit
Readers of the Washington Post didn’t get the whole story from Bob Woodward, and now they aren’t getting it from Howard Kurtz.
Kurtz has a long Media Notes column, Woodward Bombshell, in this morning’s Wash
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: bob woodward & plamegate&nbsp&nbsp 

Demonizing the ACLU? (8 links)
third world county
“But I think that demonizing the ACLU is a bit silly…… I do feel that they’ve become overly partisan in recent years, but they still do good work … “-Glenn ReynoldsThere are two things that bother me

Hot posts: 11/17 10:24 AM

class=”linktitle”>Corruption, Rebuilding, and Politics (8 links)
A Blog For All
All three go hand in hand these days. We’re seeing the effects of corruption and political favoritism in the post-mortem of the levee failures around New Orleans. Now, we learn that politicians on both side
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: hurricane katrina&nbsp&nbsp 
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Hot posts: 11/17 8:24 AM

class=”linktitle”>Christians, Minutemen–Bad; Detroit–Goo (7 links)
Debbie Schlussel
By Debbie Schlussel
TV teaches you a lot about what you can and can’t say in America, these days.
On Wednesday Night’s NBC line-up, Christians were portrayed as violent fanatics who try

Hot posts: 11/17 5:04 AM

class=”linktitle”>ACLU’s War Against National Securi (14 links)
Stop The ACLU
In conjunction with the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the ACLU has lobbied hard against Arab-profiling at airports for years. “Profiles are notoriously under-inclusive,” says ACLU legislative counsel Gregory Noj
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: milblogs&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

The Shit Hit the Fan (9 links)
If you’re one of those who panicked — you’re not the only one. The only explanation I can care to give is: when you’re trying your darndest best to pull 2000 words out of your ass, and then you see the flash of pink at a screen whic

Hot posts: 11/16 7:24 PM

class=”linktitle”>Plame Woodward (8 links)
The Strata-Sphere
Heres a stunner to add to the Plame/Wilson embraglio: Bob Woodward as recently been testifying about the Plame leak.
Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Bob Woodward testified under oath Monday in the CIA leak case that a senior admi
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: plame, libby & the leak&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

Hump Day Specials (7 links)
Jo’s Cafe
1. His goose was literally cooked.
2. CMA Award winners here.
3. The duck expands.
Add your specials by linking to this post somewhere in your post and trackback. They will show up here and let others get a chance to read them. Or –
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/16 6:24 PM

class=”linktitle”>Cheney Fights Back (11 links)
Don Surber
Matt Drudge got the advance of Dick Cheney’s speech tonight to the Frontiers of Freedom Institute. The battle against Democratic lies and liars continues:”What we’re hearing now is some politicians contra

Hot posts: 11/16 5:21 PM

class=”linktitle”>Taking off the Pajamas: now, what do you (8 links)
Kevin Alwyrd is present at the revelation of Open Source Media, the erstwhile Pajamas Media, and he’s a little distracted (by one of the speakers), but he “still [doesn’t] completely get it.” He links to Mi
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: OSM: Open Source Media
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the academy&nbsp&nbsp 

Carnival of Feminists No 3 (8 links)
Sour Duck

Live From The Pajamas Media Launch (7 links)
I'm in New York for the launch of the Pajamas Media project, which has been renamed Open Source Media. The launch event is here. The proceedings got off to an inauspicious debut when author/journalist Elizabeth Hayt slammed blogs as…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic:
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: the axis of naughty&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/16 4:22 PM

class=”linktitle”>Byrd Hunter? (11 links)
Don Surber
Steve Harrison cannot decide if he wants to run for the state Senate again or the U.S. Senate. If he is bored with the Legislature, a shot at Byrd might make sense. Oh, not that he is going to beat him. But

Hot posts: 11/16 2:27 PM

class=”linktitle”>Goose Canada (10 links)
Don Surber
Finally some good news:
Feds develop plans to kill Canadian geese
Is there a slimier, more obnoxious and foul fowl? I think not. And they insist on being called “Canada geese” not “Canadian geese.”
John Bra

All beautiful and some obviously magical (7 links)
Making Light
You know that seriously cool toyshop that keeps turning up in fantasy stories? (The benign version, I mean.) The Grand…

Hot posts: 11/16 1:29 PM

class=”linktitle”>Unreal TV (11 links)
Don Surber
Brent Baker at News Busters takes great offense at the plot of the fictional “Commander in Chief” TV show. It seems the Republican House speaker is an old-time segregationist. That does seem to run coun

Open Source Media: Start Spreading the News (8 links)
La Shawn Barber’s Corner
Ill update this post with news and views (and photos) on Open Source Media later today. In the meantime, check out funnyman Scrappleface (blogging on WordPress now).
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic:
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: blogdom of god&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

Taking the pajamas off (8 links)
Now Im even more confused about Pajamas Open Source Media. I just tuned in from Munich to their Rockefeller Center event and theyre into a panel about fashion. The first person says she doesnt blog and thinks blogging is absurd
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic:
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Hot posts: 11/16 9:26 AM

class=”linktitle”>Good PR Press for the President (10 links)
The President is having a good week; here are some reasons why.Bush Pushes for More Freedoms in China There’s a
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: blogdom of god&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp 

"Will Mr. Fitzgerald Now Say He Was Wrong?" (9 links)
Bob Woodward tosses a spanner into the Plame leak chronology developed by Special Counsel Fitzgerald:Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Bob Woodward testified under oath Monday in the CIA leak case that a senior administration official told h
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: plame, libby & the leak&nbsp&nbsp