Hot posts: 12/14 10:07 AM

class=”linktitle”>Did NY TImes Bias Lead to "Wishful (13 links)
Confederate Yankee
Late last night, the NY Times decided to run a story alledging major ballot fraud on the eve of the Iraqi elections: Less than two days before nationwide elections, the Iraqi border police seized a tanker on Tuesday that…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp munuvians&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 12/14 5:25 AM

class=”linktitle”>KELLY BROOK TAP DANCES FOR HEALTH (13 links)
The Celebrities Weblog – “Stars, Gossip and Celebrities” – SCARLETT JOHANSSON CALLS THE COPS British beauty, Kelly Brook, who recently learned to tap dance for her role in the movie musical, “In The Mood.” Kelly insists that she does not go to the gym, or even work out on a daily basis,.

Hot posts: 12/14 4:41 AM

class=”linktitle”>Now its a $60 Million Poker Win (45 links)
The Gambling Weblog – Gambling news easy to digest. – Now its a $60 Million Poker Win
There’s more players, more interest, more TV shows and that could only mean one thing. More money. Make that obscene amounts of money. Fox Sports have done a 3-year deal that would provide winner-takes-all pots of $60 million -…

Hot posts: 12/13 7:42 PM

class=”linktitle”>Time Magazine Readers Vote (7 links)
Michael Yon : Online Magazine
Regular visitors to the Time Magazine website are probably familiar with a feature called “Photo of the Week,” where readers vote to select the most compelling photographs from the news that week.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: milblogs&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 12/13 5:40 PM

class=”linktitle”>John Harris and Jim Brady Get Into It A (8 links)
PressThink interviews two of the principles in a dispute at the Washington Post over Dan Froomkin’s Web-only column, White House Briefing. National p
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community:

Hot posts: 12/13 3:54 PM

class=”linktitle”>Instant Urban Legend? (7 links)
Mudville Gazette
Yesterday:Q Since the inception of the Iraqi war, I'd like to know the approximate total of Iraqis who have been killed. And by Iraqis I include civilians, military, police, insurgents, translators. THE PRESIDENT: How many Iraqi citizens have d
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: milblogs&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 12/13 11:47 AM

class=”linktitle”>The Media’s War (9 links)
The media seem to have come up with a formula that would make any war in history unwinnable and unbearable: They simply emphasize the enemy’s victories and our losses. Losses suffered by the enemy are not news, no matter how large, how persistent, o

Hot posts: 12/13 9:05 AM

class=”linktitle”>WiFi Phone for Vonage (15 links)
The VoIP Weblog – Your idea of Voice over IP – WiFi Phone for Vonage
Vonage will give us the lowdown on their WiFi phone today. This is pretty big news for some, but meh for others. Pros: Duh… WiFi phone. VoIP phone at home can go with you to your office or anywhere…

Parkinson: Hilfe durch Netzhaut-Implantate ins Hirn? (10 links)
Das Gesundheits-Weblog – “Wellness, Beauty und Gesundheitsnews” – Innovative Medikamente gegen Krebs
Wenn man einmal darauf gekommen ist, klingt es verbl

Help Wanted

I am taking a long overdue step, and looking for some additional help to keep the Ecosystem and other TTLB functions running at their best. If you are interested in any of the positions below, please me, and if not, I’d appreciate your assistance in spreading the word. Thanks!
Ecosystem Administrators
Historically, my ability to provide prompt and effective ‘customer service’ to bloggers has been somewhere between miserable and nonexistent. It is time for that to change: my goal is that in the near future, any and all support requests will be dealt with within days or hours, not weeks or months. But, it’s foolish to think I can do that on my own, and so, I’m looking for several people to help out.
The primary responsibility of this role is simple: reviewing support tickets submitted by TTLB users and addressing them appropriately, using the same behind-the-scenes administration tools that I use. In return, the administator(s) will be listed prominently with links back to their weblogs at the top of the Ecosystem navigation bar.
I hope that this position will appeal to a few up-and-coming bloggers who have enjoyed the Ecosystem, and who would benefit from the added exposure and visibility that working with TTLB would provide. No, it’s not going to make you rich (or even pay your beer money), but it help you might get you noticed.
TTLB runs on the traditional LAMP (Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP) platform. I am looking for a platform expert who knows the ins and outs of running a high performance system on LAMP to perform a technical audit of the exisitng TTLB architecture and code, and make recommendations for potential performance, stability, and operational improvements.
For the audit, I am open to discussions on paying real dollars or other forms of compensation. Assuming the audit goes well, this may also lead to an ongoing relationship when I need additional development assistance or consulting expertise.

Once again, if you are interested in either of the above, or know someone who might be, please drop me a line, and thanks…

Hot posts: 12/12 7:34 PM

class=”linktitle”>WHO DIED IN NEW ORLEANS? (8 links)
Michelle Malkin
Last week, black survivors of Hurricane Katrina compared themselves to Holocaust victims. Via
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: hurricane katrina&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: hurricane katrina bloggers&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hasta La Vista, Tookie. (7 links)
Vodkapundit – All the News That’s Fit to Drink
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has denied clemency for convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams, who co-founded the Crips street gang. Since…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 12/12 6:39 PM

class=”linktitle”>Lost my cookies (8 links)
Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey
OK, so overnight I seem to have lost all my cookies — I am having to log in or reinput my information into every site that used to remember who I was. I didn't change anything. Should I be concerned?…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: life, liberty, property&nbsp&nbsp 

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency For Tookie Williams (7 links)
A federal appeal court declined to block the execution of the founder of the notorious Crips gang who is on death row for murder. Shortly thereafter California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected his clemency appeal.SACRAMENTO, California (CNN)d
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the axis of naughty&nbsp&nbsp hurricane katrina bloggers&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Time to Die Now Tookie (7 links)
Now you can be asking Jesus if children's books make up for murder. I'm thinking that answer is “No.” At…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp humor & satire&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 12/12 5:33 PM

class=”linktitle”>The War on Christmas (7 links)
Sam Seder did a pretty good job on CNN today giving this issue the degree of respect it deserves:SEDER: Listen, as far as the war on

Hot posts: 12/12 3:35 PM

class=”linktitle”>At variance with certain depictions (8 links)
The BBC reports a survey from Iraq, carried out by Oxford Research International for the BBC itself and other media organizations, and with a result that might be considered surprising:An opinion poll suggests Iraqis are generally optimistic about t
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: united kingdom bloggers&nbsp&nbsp the academy&nbsp&nbsp 

#107 Best of Me Symphony (7 links)
The Owner’s Manual
Your realtor tells you to get pre-qualified. What should you tell him? Searchlight Crusade writes on the most overworked item in real estate, The Pre-Qualification. Today’s supposed protectors of individual liberty are no longer able to act on pr
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 12/12 2:45 PM

class=”linktitle”>Wikipedia scandals (7 links)
Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey
Um… why are people treating a web site that *ANYONE* can edit as a serious reference source? This is almost as horrifying as the occasional person I find citing my blog as if it were a serious news source or…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: life, liberty, property&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 12/12 9:36 AM

class=”linktitle”>The voting has begun! (updated) (10 links)
Voting in Iraq’s second parliamentary elections has begun this morning; this coincides with the deadline for all campaigning activities by all lists and parties who are required now to enter “electoral
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: iraqi bloggers&nbsp&nbsp