class=”linktitle”>Why Microsoft censorship in China matter (7 links)
Seems like I have created a bit of a stir with my last post on Microsoft's censorship of MSN Spaces Chinese blogs. Lots of interesting trackbacks and comments there. Definitely worth a read-through. Sounds like Microsoft's Robert Scoble ma
A Pre-Post Mortem (7 links)
Vodkapundit – All the News That’s Fit to Drink
There's never a good time to die, but Ariel Sharon's timing couldn't be worse. As I write this, I half…
    this blog’s community: katrina relief bloggers  
Blowing the whistle (7 links)
Power Line
Bill Gertz reports in today's Washington Times that former NSA official Russell Tice has asked to testify about allegedly illegal…
    this blog’s community: katrina relief bloggers