if you have to ask, i don’t think you’ll understand the answer

The Pulitzer prizes were announced today, and the winner in the Editorial Cartooning category is Luckovich of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

I listened to an interview with Mr. Lukovich on NPR today discussing one of the cartoons he submitted, and which presumably helped him win the prestigious award.
Mr. Lukovich created his cartoon in the days leading up to the “milestone” of 2,000 American soldiers giving their lives in the Iraq war. While he was unable to earn his prize by literally standing on the backs of fallen servicemen and women, he did the next best thing. He created a cartoon out of their names:

Listening to Mr. Lukovich on NPR today, I concluded that the question deserved an answer, even if the man asking it did not.
My answer is below. It is only a partial answer, and there are many others, but I don’t think Mr. Lukovich will ever understand any of them.

More on the Pulitzers at Michelle’s

24 thoughts on “if you have to ask, i don’t think you’ll understand the answer”

  1. You seem to have made a little error in including 9-11 and Iraq in the same graphic..
    Easy mistake to make I suppose, no doubt fixable.

  2. The Pulitzer piss-off

    … no, there’s nothing in Santa’s bag for Laura Ingraham’s crack reporting with the troops in the Green Zone. …

  3. Nope. No mistake..
    Or do you still by the MSM’s ‘No connection’ horsehit even after all the newly-uncovered info ?

  4. Actually, the bullshit was in making (up) a connection between Saddam and 9/11 (bullshit, not horseshit; see here for explanation of why: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0691122946/104-0659650-2339923?v=glance&n=283155)
    For a fuller (but by no means complete) collection of Bush Administration bullshit on Iraq, see http://www.house.gov/reform/min/pdfs_108_2/pdfs_inves/pdf_admin_iraq_on_the_record_rep.pdf.
    BTW, how does a bear get laid by the truth? Just wondering.

    Saddam Hussein, not implicated in the 9/11 attacks, was nevertheless a sponsor of terrorism. The U.S. Soldiers and Marines, et al who have died in this war were fighting that same terrorism. This is not hard to understand if you accept that terrorism is more than one organization.

  6. I love how he put the wreckage of Samarra’s Golden Mosque into the image.
    What a perfectly Orwellian touch. Put an atrocity that is a direct result of the war up there as a reason for that same war.
    Is there any depth that Republican liars and propaganda-meisters like you won’t plumb to prop up your fantasy-world? Guess not.
    I used to have respect for this site. No more. Like Bush, you have no credibility left.

  7. you should totally have won!! i’m soooOOoooo mad.
    yours is way better!! cause it’s PATRIOTIC!!

  8. I cannot understand the right wing’s hatred for showing and honoring those Americans who have fought and died for Bush’s illegal, immoral and counterproductive war on Iraq.
    Saddam had no connection to 9-11, no connection to bin Laden [still free] and no connection to international terrorism. Saddam was contained by the sanctions. He had no WMD of any type including nuclear; and, in no way was a threat to the US. Almost 2400 American men and women have given their lives for Bush’s lies. 17,000 American men and women have become casualties. 10’s of thousands of Iraqi lives have been taken in vain, including men, women, children, seniors and innocents.
    Mike Lukovich deserves credit for showing the international actrocity that is the Bush administration; nz bear deserves shame for smearing him.

  9. Bush is a proven liar, he lied us into war, there’s no doubt, and moreover, 9/11 was an inside job, done in large part to provoke war…

  10. Bush is a proven liar, he lied us into war, there’s no doubt, and moreover, 9/11 was an inside job, done in large part to provoke war…

  11. Bush is a proven liar, he lied us into war, there’s no doubt, and moreover, 9/11 was an inside job, done in large part to provoke war…

  12. Wow, “spooked” ole boy, just keep repeating and maybe we’ll start believing you.
    Looks like you will believe anything if you think 9/11 was an inside job.
    Makes me wonder why you won’t believe the mounting evidence that clarifies that Bush and previous leaders in both the WH and Congress were right in what they said about Iraq?
    Start with the item upon which the entire “Bush Lied…” mantra is based, the controversy over whether Saddam sought uranium in Niger. Wilson’s claims to the contrary have been thoroughly debunked. You can read it all in the NYTimes and the Washington Post, you don’t have to look in any right-wing rags to find it.
    Keep going until you get to the recent revelations that Iraq’s Fedayeen Saddam was training as many as 7000 foreign terrorists each year in camps in Iraq. No connection to terror there, nope.
    Pay attention to both sides and make a fair evaluation. This administration hasn’t been perfect, far from it. But don’t fall for the line that they “lied” to justify the war in Iraq. It just doesn’t fly.

  13. Wow, “spooked” ole boy, just keep repeating and maybe we’ll start believing you.
    Looks like you will believe anything if you think 9/11 was an inside job.
    Makes me wonder why you won’t believe the mounting evidence that clarifies that Bush and previous leaders in both the WH and Congress were right in what they said about Iraq?
    Start with the item upon which the entire “Bush Lied…” mantra is based, the controversy over whether Saddam sought uranium in Niger. Wilson’s claims to the contrary have been thoroughly debunked. You can read it all in the NYTimes and the Washington Post, you don’t have to look in any right-wing rags to find it.
    Keep going until you get to the recent revelations that Iraq’s Fedayeen Saddam was training as many as 7000 foreign terrorists each year in camps in Iraq. No connection to terror there, nope.
    Pay attention to both sides and make a fair evaluation. This administration hasn’t been perfect, far from it. But don’t fall for the line that they “lied” to justify the war in Iraq. It just doesn’t fly.

  14. I just love the dumb-s!#t rant of the loony left
    you know the Bush lied,Rumsfeld has to go crowd
    I have been a Democrat for a hell of a long time
    and the clowns running the show now make me want
    to puke!!!But I never vote the party just the
    man or woman…Dean,Reid& Kerry,they all prove one thing, YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID…

  15. This administration is completely inept. There are more terrorists NOW in Iraq than there ever was before we invaded. Tons more high explosives are NOW in the hands of terrorists because of this invasion. Bin Laden is still on the loose.
    THere were no WMD.
    THere are more terrorists now.
    Over 2000 American soldiers dead along with tens, if not a hundred, thousand Iraqis dead.
    $400 billion/year deficits.
    Inept response to Katrina.
    Gas prices higher than ever.
    Warrantless evesdropping on Americans (Goodby 4th amendment to the Constitution)
    We are now a country that tortures prisoners of war.
    A greater percentage of Americans living in poverty.
    Afghanistan is again the largest producer of opium in the world.
    Thanks GWB!

  16. Hey, ask my friend Geraldine Brooks who won the Pulitzer for fiction if there were no WMD!
    She was a reporter with the Kurds in the 90’s, before she took up fiction as a safer career.
    American assholes. Do you think because your politics obsesses you that the whole world follows your idiocy too?
    We non-Americans can say, thank God for GWB, an American with some sense. Not self-obsessed like the rest of you, from asshole Clinton onwards.

  17. Frank,
    Do you hear the sound of the black helicopters?
    No WMD no! Russian SPETSNAZ troops moved them
    Iran and syira..More Terrorist, sure “dead”That
    is a fact,but more than 2000 were kia @Franklin
    Tenn. the first hour of battle,American Civil
    war..Cost of war ,Last time I checked the cost of Freedom comes at a high price,it always has..
    Katrina,hey why don’t you tell that crap to the
    Coast Guard,Army,Air Force,Sherriff and fish and
    game Helicopters that were flying in the first
    hours of the storm,if you have the cajones”NOT”
    Gas prices,blame the Car companies and the gov.
    Brazil will be energy independent in “07” No more gas
    imports….Do you have something to hide Frank?
    tortures prisoners of war!! I have a friend who
    just came back from GITMO and said basicly we
    do every thing but kiss the prisoners ass,as
    he said its enough to make you puke!!!poverty,
    NEAT and don’t wait for the goverment buss to
    give you a hand out,It ain’t going to come,need
    a helping hand try the one on the end of your
    arm!!!Opium,if there is no market the supply
    wil dry up its the old supply and demand
    trick… So Frank there you are, if you don’t
    the way things are going get off your dead ass
    do something or better yet try an other country
    like most of the leftys your so full of S*#t
    your eyes are brown…

  18. I think the legacy for Bush and his ill-begotten “war” will be the three words I hear most on the internts these days: Worst. President. Ever.”

  19. Anarchist,what a sweet ring it has,no doubt
    a swell person who will save the world by
    running around with a set of knee pads and
    rectal lube and chapstick!!!!

  20. Anarchist,what a sweet ring it has,no doubt
    a swell person who will save the world by
    running around with a set of knee pads and
    rectal lube and chapstick!!!!

  21. Tincan Sailor said: “YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID…”
    Which is why people still don’t believe that Sadaam was not directly, or really even indirectly, related to the events of 9/11.

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