special coverage: President Bush’s immigration speech

I’ll be providing special coverage tonight for President Bush’s immigration speech with a dedicated tracking page showing all the bloggers who are liveblogging or reacting to the speech.
The page is here, and includes a quick form for bloggers to sign up and let me know that you’ll be covering the event.
Be sure to also tune in to Hugh Hewitt’s show tonight, as he’ll be doing an extended edition to cover the speech, and I’ll be helping him out in covering blogosphere reactions.

8 thoughts on “special coverage: President Bush’s immigration speech”

  1. Hugh and NZ Bear: I told you a Wall is out of the question for the Bush Presidential Dynastic Competition with the Adams Family and those of the Clinton Clan! No Pared(Wall)!
    Powder Tracks, moi (http://powdertracks.blogspot.com/2006/04/kye-yo-tay-is-spanglish-for-illegal.html was right all along but no one in New Media is willing to Confront the Bush Family with this Reality. Beslan to come on the Old Camino Real of California Alta(PCH in SoCal)! I’m son of Immigrants and do not want mass deportation! I’m so bummed out and So disappointed by our Great President! There is another agenda! High Tech Fence is not A Solution. The only thing good was the ID and the Banning of the Catch and Release but that is all… I think Bush have the 12 million illegals pay them to go built the Wall and tell Everybody In the US and Mexico that a Nuke is going to come to SoCal and a Wall will protect all the people both Mexican, American and Illegals which we all LOVE! He should have said that a Wall is sign of Love and Respect for All Americans of The Americas! My wife, Angie is Mexican American and she wants a Wall as do most Legally Naturalized Americans Want! That includes my Family,Hugh! I see right thru this ruse and think it is family Narcissism and when Beslan happens there will be no future Presidentes Jorge III nor his father Jeb! That is bad for the Country. He could have plyed form the Nuke angle to justify the Wallby underscoring that based on intel a Al Qaeda wants to Nuke us like Beslan and if they do Radio-active fallout will flow to Mexico Too and the large Hispanic Population of the Southwest will suffer and die too!
    Francis X. Yubero, M.D.

  2. Mr President:
    I wrote Friday. I’ve listened to your speech. Too little . . . too late. Scrap the guest worker program. “They’ll only stay for a short while.” Sure. Right. It would not be considered humane to sterilize them.
    Good luck with your party. I voted for you twice. I will not vote Republican again until we purge and fix the party.
    Michael Waldier

  3. Interestingly the real answer is found by reading between the lines in Gov. Jeb Bush’s statement: Florida Gov. Bush Calls Tone of Immigration Debate ‘Hurtful’. See: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-jeb5apr05,0,4076175.story?coll=la-story-footer
    Apparently, the Hispanics(my very own ethnic group) represent perks aka money & votes that everybody including politicians,Catholic Church and even the Fantastic Bush Family want.
    If a terrorist comes across the border and pulls a “Beslan” the President Bushes(41 & 43) need to realize that George P. and Gov. Jeb Bush’s Executive aspirations will be null and void! This will be more ‘Hurtful’ than doing the right thing to protect our country and honor our laws. Mr. President build A WALL I beg you, please!
    As a Bush voter, fervent Catholic and the son of LEGAL Immigrants(who at one point received deportation papers) and now Naturalized US Citizens I’m not “HURT” by your action to protect the Country of my birth and my parents’ chosen county! I am not hurt by taking the action necessary to uphold our Country’s Law and History of Fair Immigration Policies!…
    Thank you Sir and Dominus Vobiscum (May the Lord Bless You) and yours..
    Sincerely yours,
    Francis X. Yubero, M.D.

  4. President George Dubya! the W means no Walls
    Unfortunately the President is not interested in solving the illegal problem with a Fence. I think it has to do with Columba Bush, Jeb Bush’s wife whom he met while teaching English at an exchange program in Leon, Mexico Texas in 1971 at which she was a student. Columba was born in Leon, Mexico and married the Govenor in 1973. Jeb Bush converted to Catholicism and speaks very good Spanish. Jeb and Columba Bush’s son, George P. is a handsome bilingual young lawyer with an undergraduate degree from Rice University and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Texas, graduating in 2003. He married a law school classmate, Amanda Williams, in August 2004. George Prescott works in Dallas for the law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. Since George P. happens to be of Mexican-American heritage and may have political ambitions too, the issue is personal for the Bush family. George P and his wife are the answer to the Bil-lary Clintons of the future. We can’t forget Jeb’s possible run in 2012 or 2016. The Republicans have been courting the Hispanic vote (which is primarily Mexican heritage) so on this score and the Bush Dynasty play this great President does not want to take the risk of offending the largest minority group in the United States of America. Remember when X-President Bush 41 offended Hispanics when he famously referred to his Mexican-American grandchildren, including George P., as “the little brown ones”? The Bushs’ will not make this mistake again…
    In the 2004 election, Grandpa Pres. Bush(41) urged his son’s(43’s) campaign to hold a national Hispanic event aimed at luring Hispanics away from the Democrats. The way things are going, the Republican Convention in the future for Jeb and/or George P. will be a fiesta de la familia. A seurity wall will be painted as a racist action by any Democratic rivals will want to derail the Bushs’ Dynastic designs. Too bad because I love the Bushs, but as the son of legal green card Naturalized Americans I disagree with the President’s lack of an Isaeli-Palestinian Wall as part of his Immigration Policy. OTM’s(other than Mexicans) are crossing our southern border at an alarming rate…

  5. President George Dubya! the W means no Walls
    Unfortunately the President is not interested in solving the illegal problem with a Fence. I think it has to do with Columba Bush, Jeb Bush’s wife whom he met while teaching English at an exchange program in Leon, Mexico Texas in 1971 at which she was a student. Columba was born in Leon, Mexico and married the Govenor in 1973. Jeb Bush converted to Catholicism and speaks very good Spanish. Jeb and Columba Bush’s son, George P. is a handsome bilingual young lawyer with an undergraduate degree from Rice University and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Texas, graduating in 2003. He married a law school classmate, Amanda Williams, in August 2004. George Prescott works in Dallas for the law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. Since George P. happens to be of Mexican-American heritage and may have political ambitions too, the issue is personal for the Bush family. George P and his wife are the answer to the Bil-lary Clintons of the future. We can’t forget Jeb’s possible run in 2012 or 2016. The Republicans have been courting the Hispanic vote (which is primarily Mexican heritage) so on this score and the Bush Dynasty play this great President does not want to take the risk of offending the largest minority group in the United States of America. Remember when X-President Bush 41 offended Hispanics when he famously referred to his Mexican-American grandchildren, including George P., as “the little brown ones”? The Bushs’ will not make this mistake again…
    In the 2004 election, Grandpa Pres. Bush(41) urged his son’s(43’s) campaign to hold a national Hispanic event aimed at luring Hispanics away from the Democrats. The way things are going, the Republican Convention in the future for Jeb and/or George P. will be a fiesta de la familia. A seurity wall will be painted as a racist action by any Democratic rivals will want to derail the Bushs’ Dynastic designs. Too bad because I love the Bushs, but as the son of legal green card Naturalized Americans I disagree with the President’s lack of an Isaeli-Palestinian Wall as part of his Immigration Policy. OTM’s(other than Mexicans) are crossing our southern border at an alarming rate…

  6. I like the 5 point plan. He showed leadership.
    I like that he is not going to deport all illegal Mexicans. Imagine the media coverage… Cameras capture a hard working family of 6 who is surrounded by dark Janet-Reno-type trucks as ATF swarm out with guns a-blazing. Fathers are pulled away from daughters (Ann Frank) and forced into separate cargo trains.
    Republicans have to focus and stop worrying about others who we think are getting a free ride. Deal with that later. The main issue is terrorism. Secure the boarders.
    Congress is the problem. REPUBLICANS IN 2006. Do you want anything done? Then Republicans need to gain seats.
    Deport the gang of 12 and lets get the Bush plan passed.

  7. I like the 5 point plan. He showed leadership.
    I like that he is not going to deport all illegal Mexicans. Imagine the media coverage… Cameras capture a hard working family of 6 who is surrounded by dark Janet-Reno-type trucks as ATF swarm out with guns a-blazing. Fathers are pulled away from daughters (Ann Frank) and forced into separate cargo trains.
    Republicans have to focus and stop worrying about others who we think are getting a free ride. Deal with that later. The main issue is terrorism. Secure the boarders.
    Congress is the problem. REPUBLICANS IN 2006. Do you want anything done? Then Republicans need to gain seats.
    Deport the gang of 12 and lets get the Bush plan passed.

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