Ecosystem: Self Service!

Finally have implemented (half of) a feature I should have added ages ago: self-service for the Ecosystem!
On the details page of any weblog, you can now click a link which takes you to an ‘edit details’ page, from which you can change any information on the blog, or request that it be deleted entirely (good for hunting down those dreaded duplicates!)
The changes will not take effect immediately — I will still review them manually and only execute those that seem to make sense (to prevent abuse, and to avoid having to implement some gawdawful authentication system).
I still need to write the back-end that will make my ‘accept change’ work, but y’all can start combing the Ecosystem for data errors and submit change requests to your hearts’ content. If you’ve sent me such requests in email, I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d re-submit them through the interface — I’ll still try to get to them if you don’t, but it’ll probably happen later.
PS: No, this doesn’t mean Hosting Matters my shell access problem — it just happened that I was able to implement this feature without shell access. The goodies that you were going to get today were much spiffier than this — but it looks like that ain’t happening.