align=”right” src=””>It’s a bad day to be a turkey, but a good day to be an American.
I hope all reading this are enjoying good food, good company, and good spirits (in both senses of the word). As for this bear, for the first time in many years, I am not on the road for the holiday, and instead am enjoying a quiet day at home with my beloved lady M. In an unusual twist, we may have something of an Iron Chef competition going on for our meal: M insists on attempting turkey (despite our complete lack of a clue as to how to cook one), while I, not caring much for the bird in the first place, will be preparing my specialty, Jamaican Jerk Chicken.
And if all else fails: Dominos delivers!
As for the giving thanks part, there is much to be thankful for. I am thankful for all the men and women of our armed forces who are away from home this day, putting their lives at risk to ensure a better and safer future for America and the world. And if you wish to thank them, one of Glenn’s readers has compiled a great list of ways to do just that.
I’m thankful for my family; both the one that I grew up among and my in-laws-to-be, and sorry that I can’t be with them this particular year and this particular day.
But above all, I’m thankful for my lady M; the wonderful and lovely creature who has consented to share her life with me. Whatever life brings, the sour is a bit less sour, and the sweet is that much sweeter, with her to share it with.
Have a wonderful and safe holiday, all!
Update: Not only did “the Dominos option” prove unnecessary, but we put aside my Jerk Chicken preparations to be saved for this evening’s meal. And M’s turkey turned out to be fabulous! Let the record show that not only is she lovely and intelligent (although her taste in mates may be slightly suspect), but she also cooks a mean turkey…