Marshall on FoxNews

Marshall posted a note this morning indicating he’ll be on FoxNews today to “debate whether it’s okay for anyone to question or criticize Don Rumsfeld’s war-planning.” Appearance is scheduled for somewhere around 5:15 PM EST.
Hey Josh, mention TTLB and I’ll send you a mug!

Stephen Schwartz on The Two Faces of Islam

This week’s Booknotes from PBS is excellent interview with Stephen Schwartz on his new book, The Two Faces of Islam: The House of Sa’ud from Tradition to Terror.
Schwartz emphasizes the severe distinction between the the radical Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia and the vast array of more moderate and diverse strains of Islam that are threatened by it.
The program is available via streaming RealVideo by the link above: a must-listen for the “anti-idiotarian” crowd.

Carnival #19

Carnival Number Whatever is up, this time Ipse Dixit. Go forth and observe the self-selected best of the Blogosphere.

Welcome to Aurora Leigh

Cool! It’s rare that I catch a brand-new blogger on their first day. Well, it appears to be Aurora Leigh’s second day, technically, but close enough. And she’s to a fine start:
“You may have noticed that we’re the only Great Power around. There’s China for a regional power, though that shouldn’t bring a smile to any libertarian’s face, but mostly there’s just us. No European nation has meaningful capability to project force beyond its borders, and a number of them could defend those borders against a pack of well-armed Campfire girls. Russia has, um, issues. That leaves us to be the world’s policeman and I’m sorry you don’t like the sound of that but it’s a hell of a lot better than turning to the world and announcing that there is no sheriff in town, which is what you’re proposing.”
Somebody get this woman a seat at the big kids’ table, and some links, quick…

Lair on Passion and Voice

I just noticed piece on passion and voice in blogging… it’s a good one, and addresses some of the issues I struggle with in my own writing. What are we each trying to achieve in our blogging — and what do we offer to our readers? Worth reading, and worth further thought…

Carnival 18

Carnival #18 is up Meryl’s place. The good news: I submitted a link this week! The bad news: Meryl appears to have missed it.
Sigh. Sometimes I just can’t win…