Carnvial #14

Carnival #14 is up, residing for the special holiday edition at Universe.
And no, I didn’t remember to send in a piece, but nobody is actually surprised by that anymore, are they?

New Kid on the Block

Brand new blogger “zzyzx” dropped me a kind note last week and declared himself to be neither liberal nor conservative, and asked my advice on conservative voices in the Blogosphere who I respected (which I provided). He’s just getting started and finding his blog voice, so check him out — he’s got the right attitude, for sure.

Lair’s Hanukkah FAQ

Entertaining and educational: the multitalented Lair Simon has Hanukkah FAQ for us stupid gentiles. Sample:
Why doesn’t Hanukkah start on the same day every year?
It does. You’re just using the wrong calendar, asshole.

Al Qaeda’s Strength

Great from Glenn: “In truth, the ‘strength’ of Al Qaeda is like the ‘strength’ of Ted Bundy. It’s not that they’re especially formidable, they’re just willing to do things that other people aren’t…”

Good Rice, Bad Regulations

Stephen Den Beste us to a new, super-hardy breed of rice developed by Cornell scientists, and to the European stupidity that will likely prevent it from being used to alleviate starvation.

Congrats to Sasha and Ian

Congratulations to Sasha and Andrew their engagement!
Well, we’ve now had first blogger-to-reader engagement (Spoons), and now the first blogger-to-blogger engagement.
You know what has to be next: first literal Blogchild!
Get crackin’, folks — and bonus points if you name the kid ‘Pyra’.

Launch is Go

Shuttle launch looks like a go for tonight — in just about 25 minutes (4:50 PM PST). Tune in via the links below to watch & wish the crew a safe journey.

Latest Launch for STS-113

Launch is now scheduled for 4:50 PM Saturday (today). As another note, I had better luck streaming video from yesterday than NASA itself; you can also check this page for a whole list of possible sites to stream from.

Shuttle Launch Today!

There’s a shuttle launch scheduled for today, although they are worried about a weather delay. Current launch time is 5:15pm PST; see for info and here for a live NASA TV feed which will (presumably) carry the launch.
WARNING! I posted the time incorrectly the first time around; the launch is 5:15pm PST, not EST. Sorry about that….