Hot posts: 11/14 7:25 AM

class=”linktitle”>Alito: Abortion is Not a Right (8 links)
Stop The ACLU
Washington Times
Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, wrote that the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortio
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: supreme court nominee samuel alito&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: milblogs&nbsp&nbsp the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Best of Me Symphony (7 links)
The Owner’s Manual

THE DISH RE-LOADED: I’m glad to say that in the ne… (7 links) – Daily Dish
THE DISH RE-LOADED: I’m glad to say that in the near future, this blog will have a new home. We’re moving to’s home-page and will be hosted by their server. My invaluable business partner, Rober
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

#103 Best of Me Symphony (7 links)
The Owner’s Manual
Idler-Yet has a guy who gets it right and one who doesn't even come close in Stupid Non-victim story. God has no gender. If that's the case, then everything needs to be rewritten now, right now. Screwtape #20: Understanding…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp 

Hot posts: 11/13 7:17 PM

class=”linktitle”>A big victory in The War On Terror (7 links)
Austin Bay Blog
And an information victory at that. Today Jordan put a captured would be suicide terrorist on tv. (Link is to an AP report.)
Why is this a victory? Because the harsh evil of Al Qaeda is front and center in Sunni Arab media.
The lede…

Hot posts: 11/13 5:18 PM

class=”linktitle”>SO, AT THE GYM they were for some reason (8 links)
SO, AT THE GYM they were for some reason running Face the Nation this morning where they usually show CNN or FoxNews. But that means I caught this first place.”>very interesting statement from John McCain: SCHIEFFER: President Bush accused h…

Brunch: 11/13/2005 (7 links)
basil’s blog
Try one of these specials with your brunch:
Sigmund, Carl and Alfred look at the City Alight Of Light
Outside the Beltway looks at trouble in France
Blogs for Bush looks at the truth about White Phosphorous
Confederate Yankee has more on Whit…

Hot posts: 11/13 11:21 AM

class=”linktitle”>CARNIVAL OF THE CLUELESS #21 (7 links)
Right Wing Nut House: Politics served up with a smile… And a stilletto.
Who will wear the Cluebat of the Week laurels?
Certainly there has been enough cluelessness exhibited by Republicans this week as a group of Republican Congressmen decided that the American people…

Hot posts: 11/13 10:18 AM

class=”linktitle”>Coward Dean (9 links)
Don Surber
Drudge posted it before it was even broadcast! Howard Dean, M.D., ducked out of a joint appearance with Ken Mehlman, the erudite chief of the Republican Party.
Drudge left off the question Mehlman wanted to…

Quickies – Cluebat Edition (7 links)
(Thanks to Sondra for the toon) Military Edumacation Jimbo provides a brutal but polite primer on the use of……

Hot posts: 11/13 8:18 AM

class=”linktitle”>Forgotten France (9 links)
Below The Beltway
The American media has gone back to ignoring the story, but the riots in France have continued nonetheless.
related topic: riots in france&nbsp&nbsp 

Sunday Funnies (8 links)
Stop The ACLU
window.document.getElementById(‘post-568’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’; Sweet Spirits of Ammonia provides our funny.
Cranky Neocon provides another.
&and another from Faith Mouse
First of all, something not funny. Projec

Sunday OTB Specials (7 links)
Jo’s Cafe
It’s Sunday again folks — time for The Owner to take a break.
Give me your posts from far and wide — as long as you link and trackback properly. They will show up here and let others get a chance to read them. Or – if […]]]>

Hot posts: 11/13 6:23 AM

class=”linktitle”>Bruce Willis Is Hollywood Right (7 links)
Stuck On Stupid
As Reported in the NY Post's Page 6 Bruce Willis is putting his money where his mouth is. Bruce is offering 1Million dollars for the capture of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri or Abu Musab al-Zarqawi offered up by any civilian. Willis is a

Hot posts: 11/13 5:30 AM

class=”linktitle”>Edwards Is Wrong About Being Wrong (17 links)
Don Surber
John Edwards lays out in the Washington Post the new Democratic Party tack to derail President Bush: Surrender Iraq.
It is a disingenuous plan that requires a false confession of error on his part. (“I was
related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 

L’Act de Patriot (9 links)
Don Surber
We keep hearing from the anti-Bush left that the War on TerrorismIslamo-nutcase-ism has cost us our freedoms. If we let the FBI look at our library records, the terrorists will have won. Rubbish. By the way

Hot posts: 11/12 7:04 PM

class=”linktitle”>Life as Art (7 links)
Making Light
I've seen Unique Form of Continuity in Space, at the Tate Modern in London, my home.* I'd find it hard…

December Jackass Of The Month Poll Is Now Up (7 links)
The poll to see who should be the December Jackass of the Month is now up in the left sidebar under the Dog doing his bidniz. The lucky nominees for this moonbat title are:
Barbara Streisand. Babs (who is responsible for all the major hurricane

Hot posts: 11/12 2:17 PM

class=”linktitle”>Have the French Lost Touc (10 links)
Conservative Cat
When I last discussed the Paris riots, I thought that the whole mess was on the verge of dying out completely. After all, the Chirac government had declared a state of emergency and the number of incidents had declined for…
&nbsp related topic: riots in france

Hot posts: 11/12 9:18 AM

class=”linktitle”>Saturday Specials (7 links)
Jo’s Cafe
1. Dumb crooks news.
2. Chatty bank robber.
3. Gum to replace toothbrush?
Add your specials by linking to this post somewhere in your post and trackback. They will show up here and let others get a chance to read them. Or – if y

Teach Your Children Well Open Post (7 links)
Something… and Half of Something
What happens when two regular boys named Tommy and Lou dream of starting a lemonade stand in order to earn enough to buy a swing set? Well, their dream goes quite well until liberals like Congresswoman Clunkton, Mayor Leach and Mr. Fussman attem

Brunch: 11/12/2003 (7 links)
basil’s blog
Try one of these specials with your breakfast:
Michelle Malkin (who were watching on Fox & Friends) says Its about time, Dubya!
Common Folk Using Common Sense agrees
Don Surber chimes in
Beth (MY VWRC) echoes m

Dean’s Dot.Com Bust & Open Post (7 links)
Don Surber
Call it the Dean.Com Bust. To the surprise of no blogger who encounters the lefty trolls on the Internet, the supporters of Howard Dean, M.D., have no money. Dean has led the Democrats into a position where

Hot posts: 11/12 8:17 AM

class=”linktitle”>More Songs About Building (7 links)
Making Light
[Sorry this took so long. Other Stuff to Do.] Come on along and listen to The whisper of the Flatiron…

Sixteen Candles (7 links)
A Blog For All
One for each day of rioting in France. How many of those days received serious scrutiny by the US media? Three? Four? Yet, the rioting continues unabated despite the media lack of interest.
How would civil

Hot posts: 11/12 6:24 AM

class=”linktitle”>Mary, Mary Quite Contrary (8 links)
Stuck On Stupid
Mary Mapes is out hawking her book Called Truth And Duty. Mapes is still in fantasy land.She was on The O'Reilly Factor this week. This courtesy of The Political Teen: O’REILLY: So, are you a liberal?MAPES: Well I’m not sure what a liberal

Hot posts: 11/12 5:14 AM

class=”linktitle”>Mapes Nuts Serial (11 links)
Don Surber
Can someone please explain why this woman is on TV? She is a pathological liar who was paid off by Viacom to leave and then given a book deal to explain her pathetic lies about a politician in hopes o

They're baaack (9 links)
Power Line
Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus attempt to pick at the Bush administration's defense of its handling of pre-war intelligence…

Mary Mapes Tries for a Comeback (7 links)
Power Line
It isn't going to happen. The documents were fakes, and everyone knows it. What's more important is that the anti-Bush…

George Bush – Born Again Hard? (7 links)
Video via The Political Teen The key sound-bite from President Bush's Veteran's Day speech:”While it is perfectly legitimate to criticize my decision or the conduct of the war, it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how

Hot posts: 11/11 6:17 PM

class=”linktitle”>Thank You Veterans! Trac (8 links)
Oblogatory Anecdotes
You can read my weekly article on by clicking on the link. My story conserns school choice and Children First Utah.Also it is

Friday Ark #60 (7 links)
Friday Ark Template We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cu

Hot posts: 11/11 5:17 PM

class=”linktitle”>Veterans Day Links (7 links)
-Peakah’s Provocations-
Of course there’s mine from yestersday.Mudville Gazette’s

Deck O’ Bloggers 2005 – Hearts Voting OPEN!!! (7 links)
aaron | aaron
On Veterans Day, Im initiating the voting for Hearts, those that nurtured and/or inspired (and continue to inspire!) our soldier boys.
If my beloved father-in-law, rest his soul, and my mother-in-law blogged, Id have just awarded the

Honoring Veteran’s Day 2005 (7 links)
California Conservative
[L]et us solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us re-consecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring pea