new site launches: rejoicing ensues

Well, that’s it. Criminey, this has been quite a haul.
After a few weeks of planning, and a good week of futzing and fooling with templates, hosts, and random CGIs, the new site design is alive and well here on our new domain: .
First thanks goes to Stacy over at Sekimori; she turned my vision for the logo (that handsome fellow at the typewriter to the left) into a beautiful reality (& chipped in the redirect script for my old Blogspot site, too!). And more notably, she put up with my midstream vision changes, which says much for her patience.
The remainder of the design was done with own two paws; I can now say I know more than I ever intended to about CSS and Type templates. And for the record: the core MT installation was a breeze; the hard work was all the fiddling I wanted to do to get everything just right.
With the new design comes all the bloggy goodness we’ve all come to expect from Moveable Type sites: a search function, comments, and yes, even an XML feed. (For the record, I have no idea if the XML feed works or not — if you try it, let me know how it works out!) And oh yeah: I’ve got a new email address. Send it all to .
Finally, a special thanks goes out to those who helped out with beta-testing of the site over the past week. In particular, anyone with a Mac should thank Jeff Cooper over at Cooped Up for doing an outstandingly thorough job of testing and pointing out some nasty Mac errors (now resolved, hopefully). And of course, my usual suspects were a great help: Meryl and Lair came through for me as always. (If I’m leaving anyone out here, give me a shout out; I think I lost a few emails in the move…)
I expect there’s still a few bugs to be hunted down and squashed over the next week or so. If you find anything that doesn’t look right, or just have a comment (postive or negative) about the new site you’d like to share, drop me an email — or even better — post a comment on this message! If you’re pointing out a display problem, please make sure to note your platform, browser, and screen resolution. At this point, I’m reasonably confident that IE5+, Netscape5+, and Mozilla 1.0 will work just fine on all platforms; all other browsers are a question of if you’re feeling lucky today.
And oh, yeah: if I regain my energy, I might even try to write something tonight or tomorrow morning. Expect a Lilo and Stitch review soon (actually, it will be more like an “ode”; yes, I loved it), and even more comments I’ve received from folks on the issue-that-will-not-die: the Pledge.
Come on in, hope you enjoy the new look, and I’ll be back when I’ve decompressed…
Update: I did miss someone. Thanks also to Andrew over at Dodgeblog for even-more Mac testing… !