Well, I’ve been threatening it for a while. And now it’s here.
The Store is now open for business. Yes, all those of you whose lives were strangely incomplete; nay, empty without Truth Laid Bear hats, t-shirts, mugs, and yes, the coveted babydoll shirt for the ladies — need suffer in silence no more.
Anyway. CafePress charges zip to set up a store like this, so why not. Check it out, and if you want to fully understand the pricing schemes — and other ways you can support my efforts, if you so choose — check out the TTLB Support FAQ. (In a nutshell, you can get stuff cheap, or you can get the same stuff less cheap — believe it or not, it’ll make sense when you read. Trust me.)
Listen up, Eisner. I’m comin’ for your skinny merchandisin’ little butt. The Mouse is old news — the Bear is in the house.
(Hmmm. Sorry folks. Halfway through watching ‘Training Day‘ and I think Denzel’s a bad influence. )