An announcement from MommaBear’s Den:
A Farewell From Dodgeblogium……..
Due to circumstances beyond her scope and domain, MommaBear is compelled, with all the dignity she can muster, to remove her Den from Dodgeblogium.
Farewell, dear readers, ’til she finds new digs!
This bear, for one, waits eagerly to learn where she shall being moving the Den to…
Update: It now appears Dodgeblogium itself shall be no more. from Andrew:
As you might have noticed, things are changing round Dodgeblogium. MommaBear has resigned from her position as editor and contributor to the blog. I, on the other hand, am heading off to the new and more popular pastures of Sasha Castel’s blog. Frank and Ian have been invited by the lovely Sasha to follow me to La Blogatrice’s domain.
Update 2: MommaBear has come to rest at Kathy’s fine lair.