If you are a member of one of the three major Alliances participating in the Weblog Showcase and are trying to keep an accurate blogroll of your fellow members, I’ve got a feature for you.
If you paste the Javascript code below corresponding to your alliance into your weblog template, it will automatically retrieve the current listing of your alliance’s membership in a simply formatted link list.
These blogrolls should be quite up-to-date, because just yesterday, I provided the leaders of each alliance with an interface to update their memberships directly, without having to wait on me to make changes for them.
As with everything around here, this is a work in progress, and feedback / suggestions are most welcome.
Click ‘More’ below to get the code…
For the Blogger Alliance:
< script language=”javascript” src=”http://www.truthlaidbear.com/AllianceDetails.php?alliance=BA”></script>
For the Axis of Naughty:
< script language=”javascript” src=”http://www.truthlaidbear.com/AllianceDetails.php?alliance=AN”></script>
For the League of Liberals:
< script language=”javascript” src=”http://www.truthlaidbear.com/AllianceDetails.php?alliance=LL”></script>