Hot posts: 11/28 9:27 AM

class=”linktitle”>What a mesh (8 links)
Power Line
I've spent the last few days reading Mary Mapes's Truth and Duty: The Press, the President, and the Privilege of…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

Michelle Malkin
…and Ramsey Clark is there to hold his hand. From Breitbart/AP:
The trial of
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: hurricane katrina bloggers&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

The Tyrant's Tirade (7 links)
Captain’s Quarters
The trial of Saddam Hussein continued this morning, as most of his trials have gone thus far — with an opening tirade from the deposed genocidal tyrant to get the trial off to a start. Saddam complained about not having…
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the blogging tories&nbsp&nbsp katrina relief bloggers&nbsp&nbsp 

US Air Power to Replace Infantry in Iraq; Distant… (7 links)
Informed Comment
US Air Power to Replace Infantry in Iraq; Distant President Trapped in UtopianismVeteran journalist Seymour Hersh is re
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 

Open Post Nov. 28, 2005 (7 links)
Don Surber After Hours
This one is all over the Internet thanks to Matt Drudge. Still I must ask: Suppose they held a book signing and nobody came?
Open post means you Post This Link, then you Use This Trackback. Then I post you
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s community: raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp