Hot posts: 12/12 3:35 PM

class=”linktitle”>At variance with certain depictions (8 links)
The BBC reports a survey from Iraq, carried out by Oxford Research International for the BBC itself and other media organizations, and with a result that might be considered surprising:An opinion poll suggests Iraqis are generally optimistic about t
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp related topic: iraq&nbsp&nbsp 
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: united kingdom bloggers&nbsp&nbsp the academy&nbsp&nbsp 

#107 Best of Me Symphony (7 links)
The Owner’s Manual
Your realtor tells you to get pre-qualified. What should you tell him? Searchlight Crusade writes on the most overworked item in real estate, The Pre-Qualification. Today’s supposed protectors of individual liberty are no longer able to act on pr
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp this blog’s communities: the alliance of free blogs&nbsp&nbsp raging rinos&nbsp&nbsp