Mr. Roboto vs. The Lesbians
“Mr. Roboto” Bennett is trolling for hits, and has decided to beat up some lesbians to get ’em.
Ok, I’ll bite, although I should probably know better (Bennett’s comments are arguably of the “best left just ignored” variety).
Bennett picks up on a question raised by Eugene Volokh and followed up by Charles Oliver: why don’t more fathers want their daughters to be lesbians? Bennett enlightens us as follows:
Charles has the answer, but allow me to summarize, as a father of three young women and one who’s had the experience of doing battle with lesbians for several years in the California legislature as they relentlessly stick their noses into the corpus of family law even where it doesn’t remotely concern them: lesbians are gross.
They don’t look like normal women and they don’t act like normal women. They beat up their partners more often than men do, they suffer from a myriad of life-shortening diseases, and they believe an entire universe of things that aren’t true, even abstractly true. They’re bitter, twisted, and miserable, and they want others to share their pain. I’d rather my girls be prostitutes, heroin addicts, or Mormons than lesbians.
I don’t particularly care for the term “homophobe”, so if you are waiting for that word to pop up here, sorry. My preferred label for folks who fling broad insults towards large groups of individuals is simply “asshole”, and I think it sums up my assessment of Mr. Bennett’s rude behavior more precisely.
Bennett is fond of statistics and nice graphs when they suit his purpose, so I challenge him here to back up the following claims with scientific research or other cold hard facts:
1) Women who choose other women as sexual partners are more likely to inflict domestic abuse on their partners than heterosexual males.
2) Women who choose other women as sexual partners are more likely to suffer from the following potentially fatal diseases: X, Y, and Z. (I leave Bennett to fill in the blanks).
And by the way, even if we take Bennett’s claims at face value and accept, for an intellectually painful moment, his assertions that lesbians “beat up their partners more often than men do, they suffer from a myriad of life-shortening diseases, and they believe an entire universe of things that aren’t true” — does Bennett really mean to say he’d rather have his daughters become heroin addicts (which to my understanding has a high probability of wrecking your life entirely) than suffer an increased risk of spousal abuse and disease, and/or — even worse! — believe things Bennett disagrees with? Sheesh, to think he was criticizing Glenn Reynolds for poor fatherhood.