Got most of the patio work done, including the majority of the (literal) heavy lifting. Hauled in twenty-five bags of patio stone; I’ve now covered about 80% of the patio garden area with weedcloth and the stone, so it looks pretty good. And the remainder is already weeded down from Amazon-level, so the rest should go quick.
Also spent some time printing & framing some of my photographs; long overdue to redecorate the nest. The nice one of the Golden Gate above is a digitally-stitched panorama that I’ve had for a while but was never quite satisfied I had stitched seamlessly enough; fiddled with it a bit more and got it to a state I was comfortable with. (It looks even better in color: I printed it banner sized at 35″ x 10″ and it looks splendid).
Didn’t get anywhere near the dusting-and-vacuuming part; patio took longer than I had hoped. Perhaps today.
Oh, and dinner was homemade pizza (pepperoni, fresh basil, chopped garlic, onions, tomato sauce & mozzarella on a Boboli). Yum.
Yeah, I know; Lileks I ain’t. Actually interesting blogging to follow…