Showcase Results 1/5/03

Quiet around here; a bit distracted from the bloggy things in life.
But the !Show must go on. This week, in cyberspace no one can spit in your eye leads the non-political race with 12 votes for a dog’s opinion, while in the political arena Self-composed has a strong following of 52 votes for Banning Smokers. In the Alliances race, all remains normal with the universe: the Liberal Coalition remains in front with 70.4 % participation.
For complete results, click more below; complaints/issues will be accepted until 5pm today after which final results will be certified.
Update: It’s official. Congratulations to the winners!

Showcase Voting Participation
The Alliance of Free Blogs: 55 of 109 = 50.5 % participation
The Axis of Naughty: 2 of 23 = 8.7 % participation
The League of Liberals: 14 of 39 = 35.9 % participation
The Liberal Coalition: 19 of 27 = 70.4 % participation
The Blogdom of God: 3 of 67 = 4.5 % participation
in cyberspace no one can spit in your eye: a dog’s opinion
( 12 links)
Juggernaut of Love: The Red Apprentice (An Altruist Ideal)
( 9 links)

Self-composed: Banning Smokers
( 52 links)
Barney’s First Dog Blog: My Great White Powder Adventure! (by Barney)
( 28 links)
The Surly Guy: So Your Heroes Have Always Been … Serial Killers?
( 16 links)
ihath – losing myself: lemonade
( 10 links)
Robert Holcomb: “We’re the best candidate” – My Pet Peeve
( 9 links)
The Epicenter: A Holiday Poem for Bloggers
( 3 links)
The War Journal: The Future
( 1 links)