Hurricane Relief Blog Day: 9/1/05

Hugh Hewitt suggests the bloggers could agree to set a day for a unified blog beg” and Glenn suggests this Thursday, September 1.
I’m in. Here’s what I’ll do here at TTLB:
1) Set up a registration page where bloggers planning to join in can say so, including providing information (if they like) about where they are blogging from and the charity they suggest donations to.
2) Make the database as publicly accessible and available as I can, so that anybody else who wants to create an aggregation page or otherwise use the list can do so.
3) On the day of the event, I’ll create a dedicated community page for it, and run that as TTLB’s front page.
Other suggestions are welcome, and I’ll try to think of how else I can help during the day today. I should have the registration page up and running tonight…
Update: The registration page is now available

One thought on “Hurricane Relief Blog Day: 9/1/05”

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