Now that the conference calls are complete and the race for House Majority Leader is heating up, I’ve set up a mechanism for individual bloggers to log their endorsement of a candidate.
if you want to have your position noted, post your argument and include one of the following exact phrases (quotes and formatting are not required) in your post:
“I endorse Roy Blunt”
“I endorse John Boehner”
“I endorse John Shadegg”
(For group blogs, you can also use the appropriate phrasing “We endorse”)
The Ecosystem will search for the phrases above, and show detailed results here, as well as listing summary statistics on the main GOP leadership page. And yes, for me to scan your blog properly you need to be registered in the Ecosystem, which is painless, free, and can be done right here.
Please note that your position will not show up immediately, as the scans are run regularly every evening.