Folks –
I’ve opened a project for WMDI, and have uploaded the .PHP files for the Ecosystem as well as the .SQL files necessary to create the appropriate database schema. So, for those of you interested in seeing just how bad my coding is, here’s your big chance!
So, this is the beginning of the real open source phase of WMDI. I am very much hoping that folks will be interested in helping evolve my current crummy code into a robust and stable “WMDI Server”. I need to go figure out what the appropriate open source licensing legal mumbo-jumbo is, but basically, I’d like folks to go ahead and hack away at the code and feel free to use it however they like, but would prefer that any improvements/fixes be likewise freely released back to the community.
If you’re interested in participating, drop me a line and/or register at SourceForge. And happy hacking!
Month: March 2003
Alterman has devolved
As a reader pointed out, Alterman was reaping the benefits of the entire MSNBC domain in the last few runs of the Ecosystem — his host was ‘’, which meant his count was way off, including (ironically) links to Glenn Reynolds’ and even George Will’s work there.
Alterman already had a correct entry that only used his URL, so I deleted the bad one. This is an imperfect solution, as many folks link to the temporary URL for each of his posts, so now he’s being undercounted. But given that there is no rhyme or reason to those URLs, there’s no way for me to definitively test whether they go to him or Glenn or somebody else doing work at MSNBC. So, oh well.
I also did a few other obvious corrections where folks were getting overcounted, so you’ll see some other adjustments. Keep the feedback coming…
Caught Up on Ecosystem Requests
OK folks, I just finished getting through my queue of e-mail requests from those of you who saw problems with your Ecosystem listings. I replied directly via email to each of you, so, if you had an issue and haven’t heard back from me — apologies, I missed you, so please resend…
Long day at work, kids, and an early meeting tomorrow. So if you emailed me with an Ecosystem question/request: patience, please. It’s going to be a day or so….
Ecosystem Update: The Lefty Invasion!
Ok folks, you asked for it, you got it. Well, some of you asked for it, anyway.
Last night I directly loaded the blogrolls of MaxSpeak, and The Rittenhouse Review into the Ecosystem. (Thanks to Josh — who can have a link here if he tells me what his weblog URL is — for doing the major work of pulling those lists and sending them to me in the right format).
What this means is that the Ecosystem has gone from about 450 blogs to now over 1,000. I must admit, I was a bit nervous to see if it would hold up under the strain: but somewhat to my surprise, it seems to have worked reasonably well.
So now, you’ll see major lefty Bloggers showing up high in the rankings, counterbalancing some of the warmongering righties that we all know and love.
Now, I was sure there were errors in the Ecosystem yesterday, and I’m twice as sure today. So I ask again for your help, and your patience: if you see a blog that looks wrong, by all means, let me know, and give me as much specific information as you can. But be aware that most of my heavy investigation time will come on the weekends, as I am doing the whole real-job thing.
And on that subject: I am going to be opening up the Ecosystem to be more of an open-source effort (tied directly in with WMDI) in the near future. So hopefully, I can get some help from folks interested in improving the code base, and adding features like “self-service” capabilities for people to fix their own data.
Anyway, that’s all for now: hope all you lefties are happy now! [And remember: nothing says “thank you” like a blogroll link! 🙂 ]
Oh, and by the way: I’m thinking about revamping the subcategories. Having over 75% of the weblogs on the list be classified as Insignificant Microbes seems a bit, well, cold. Thoughts? I’m thinking a percentage-scheme might make the most sense, so it expands as the list does. Top 0.1 percent = Higher Beings, Top 0.5 percent = Mortal Humans, something like that…
New Ecosystem Updates
Well, the Ecosystem seems to be just as popular as the old one — perhaps even more so! I don’t have an exact count, but I’ve been flooded by requests for additions. Looks like about a hundred in our first day in production! Very cool.
A few notes / updates:
First, there have been some complaints about the source of the original list (which came from Instapundit, Vodkapundit, and DailyPundit‘s blogrolls) — namely that it neglects liberal bloggers. (See MaxSpeak here, and Matthew Yglesias here). Max himself actually suggested that I incorporate his own blogroll and someone like Atrios’s to provide greater balance to the list.
I think this is a great idea. But, after burning a large chunk of my weekend on the release, I probably won’t get to doing it myself for at least a few days (I’m back to having a real job, remember).
But, if somebody can help me out by gathering the data, I’d be happy to load it asap. Here’s what I need: a comma-delimited, flat-text file with three columns of data. First column should be the blog’s URL, second column should be the name of the blog, and third column should be the host. Now, the host is the tricky part: see the Add Your Blog page for the rules. And to further help, the file I used for the original load is here — check this to see the formatting I am looking for. (There are many duplicates in this file, as some folks appeared in more than one of the three blogrolls. This is OK, and fine if you send me a file as well — as long as the URL’s are identical the duplicate will be ignored).
If someone could send me a file like that which incorporates the “lefty blogrolls”, I could load it pretty quick. (And actually, if other communities want to do the same, I’ll load them too.)
Next issue: concerns about miscounts and misplacement of blogs on the list. Thus far, there have actually only been a few of these, which is great; hopefully that means the Ecosystem’s accuracy is fairly high. But I do welcome feedback if you think your weblog is being miscounted — just be as specific as you can describing what links you think are being missed and why. It’s usually because of a change in URL, or a host name that isn’t correct.
I will look at each of these issues, and attempt to fix them — but again, it may take a little time, so please be patient.
Which comes to the last point: I do want to implement a method for blog-owners to modify their own data, but haven’t gotten to it yet. This is going to be a higher priority than I had intended, because given the huge response, I do want to make it possible for folks to fix their own problems (else I’ll go nuts). But that probably won’t be until next weekend at least.
Anyway, thanks again to all who have linked and participated, and enjoy…
Blogcritics Move Complete
has finally emerged from its own server-move hell. Go pay them a visit and say congrats!
Eat an Animal for PETA!
Meryl has a splendid idea for how to annoy the crunchy PETA types: Eat an Animal for PETA Day!
The Ecosystem Returns
After a long hiatus, the Blogosphere Ecosystem has returned to TTLB. You can find it here, in all its glorious silliness.
This time around, I did it right: it’s fully automated, executing once a day in the early morning using PHP scripts and storing all the results in a MySQL database. And it incorporates some of the basic concepts of the Weblog MetaData Initiative — when it scans a blog, it not only gathers links, but also grabs WMDI tags (if they are there) and allows users browsing the Ecosystem to see them. My hope is that the Ecosystem will encourage interest in WMDI — both from folks willing to add WMDI tags to their weblogs, and from folks interested in directly participating in the development of WMDI standards and tools.
As an homage to the original Ecosystem, I took the list of weblogs from Instapundit and VodkaPundit‘s blogrolls — which was how the original was created. This time around I also added in Bill Quick‘s list, as he’s got a darned comprehensive one himself. This naturally gives the TTLB Ecosystem a very political-blog slant in general, and warblogger slant in particular. Depending on how popular the new version becomes, we may see it branch out into the wider Blogosphere, or perhaps it will remain focused on the political zone. Either is fine by me.
Take a look, sign up to have your weblog scanned if it isn’t being scanned already, and if you want to make a bear really happy, add WMDI tags to your blog.
And remember: the Ecosystem is for amusement purposes only. No wagering!
Move Completed
Well folks, the move is done. I’ve tried to check everything; all seems to be well. But if you notice anything wiggy, please drop me a line and point it out (or just comment on this post).
Special thanks goes to Erica over at for her suggestion on how to change my archiving strategy, and for goading me into making my pages PHP-ready.